“CIDS through the PLC program is a “hub” for connecting teachers meeting with members of various communities around the world virtually as a non-financial CSR program to foster and build high-quality human capital for future prosperity.

“Learners of today are valuable assets for tomorrow”

A professional learning community, or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise, and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. http://edglossary.org/professional-learning-community/

In the CIDS, the idea of community in PLC is extended to a wider concept that includes teachers, students, professionals, intellectuals in higher learning institutions, industry, corporate, government and private agencies as well as individuals that serve as consultants. Students in the school are the human capital that needs to be nurtured and facilitated by communities because they are the future assets to the industry.  It is hoped that through this program both teachers, students and other members of the communities will be able to share valuable information by interacting virtually that will benefit the student in their learning process, especially in the job marketability issues to meet the needs the industry.

Information about the developments and issues of job opportunities in the world and the successes and challenges faced by the industries can create awareness which further motivates students to commit themselves with confidence in pursuing their goals. In fact, it is also able to contribute to the quality of teachers’ professionalism and the quality of education in the country. It helps to produce students with balanced characters in achieving the high-performance human beings and the sense of belonging to the nation.

CIDS can be a “hub” connecting professionals with different communities around the world collaboratively engaged with educators in building future generations of human capital. This is a social responsibility without involving financial (non-financial CSR program) for mutual benefit.

Thus, CIDS  invites participants from other various communities, such as professionals, either in academic or corporate sectors from industries, entrepreneurs, and administrators to work collaboratively – sharing and contributing expertise, advice, opinions, views and suggestions on improving knowledge and skills, towards fulfilling the current and future educational needs and challenges, with regards to the employability issues.

You may also create your private community  in your institution with teachers, students, administrators or  others as members to serve your needs in the classroom practices.

You may register voluntarily according to your expertise in the specified group or by invitation from users of CIDS, or register as a learner (student) to communicate and share knowledge and experiences with others.

 Companies, agencies are welcome to be a partner in this non-financial CSR program and the company’s logos will be displayed on the website. Further information can be obtained by emailing to our support team:  CIDS@support team

How to become a member of the PLC?

  • You may register voluntarily according to your expertise in the specified group.
  • By invitation from users of CIDS.

What is the role of PLC members?

  • Contribute expertise, views, and advice in your respective areas through the communication features in the CIDS:
    • Teaching methods, strategies, or innovations in learning & teaching practices.
    • Knowledge or skill needed for learners’ future employability opportunities.
    • Sharing digital or non-digital materials to enhance the classroom activities
    • Information on the products/nature of works in your workplace /career opportunities, related to the principles of the topic studied in the classroom. Eventually, it will give a great impact in strengthening, motivating and inspiring learners towards a more dynamic learning and teaching process.
    • Other forms of assistance to enhance teachers’ continuous professional development in achieving the 21st Century learning needs as well as industrial requirements establishing “a global personality” amongst learners.


PLC Communities

Public Community

Various communities created for users to join as members.




Professors, lecturers in the higher institution. Researchers.
Lecturers in the Teacher’s Institute of Education
Others related to educational practices



Industrial and corporate sectors. Engineers, architects, designers, entrepreneurs. Scientists. Lawyers, etc.
Other sectors



Expert teachers who directly involved in classroom practices.
Teachers with special skills



Officials from School or Higher institution. Personnel from Ministry of Education. Personnel from other ministries.
Personnel /managers from industrial and corporate sectors.

Private Community

A self-created community exclusively for selected members or invited members only.


Teachers may use information from their video chatting and video conferencing sharing sessions with various PLC members as a value added in their learning and teaching process, especially the relationship between what is being taught in the class to the fulfillment of the needs and requirements of the industries at the workplace.


http://edglossary.org/ professional-learning-community/