Dr. Ismail Md. Zain
is a former Senior Lecturer, Malaysian Institute of Teacher Education, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. He has been honored as an accomplished personality at the Center for Instructional Technology and Multimedia’s (University Sains Malaysia, Penang Malaysia) “Wall of Fame”. He obtained his PhD in the area of instructional design at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia in the year 1994.
Professor Dr. Balakrishnan Muniandy
is a Professor at the Centre for Instructional Technology and Multimedia, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia. He obtained his PhD in Educational Technology from the University of Oregon, United States of America in 2000. To date he has served in various capacities in the field of education for 35 years.
“I am impressed with the Integral ASIE Instructional Design Model. I believe it reflects the kind of integrated approach to educational and curriculum in achieving the needs of 21st century education. I therefore can commend and also recommend this kind of approach to improving and enhancing future education.”
— Dr. Richard Cameron
(Dr. Cameron Richards is an Australian academic with extensive experience of working in the Asia-Pacific region – including positions at Nanyang University Singapore, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, the University of Western Australia, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He verified the ASIE Model)
The 4-Dimensional Education (4DEdu) framework has been selected as the 21st Century Learning Framework in the Collaborative Instructional Design System (CIDS). The 4DEdu-CIDS guides user in the instructional planning: redesigning, reconstructing and reengineering academic directions, visualizing the current Education landscape towards preparing learners’ future career path that is relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Charles Fadel
Global Education Thought Leader, Author, Futurist, Inventor,
Founder & Chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign, USA
Project Director at Harvard Graduate School o Education, USA
“ASIE, is an instructional design model possesses strong fundamentals and under-pining principles of teaching and learning, such as flexibility, adaptability and effectiveness capabilities in almost every instructional environment, be it in the 21st.Century or beyond. Being inclusively designed at the conceptual model, it has been integrated with the operational cyclical management functions, tool (MIW), process and technique of Planning, Organizing or Implementing and Evaluation. This systematic, systemic, teacher and student friendly integrated with high technological-based instructional innovation, justifies being one of the main vehicles or enablers to realize the overall educational transformation vision and mission of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025. The Model fulfills the needs of 21st Century Education across nations.”
— Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ab.Rahim Selamat|
(Profesor Dato’ Dr. Ab.Rahim Selamat after completing his service in various public universities and educational institutions, become a Principal Consultant of ARH Educational Services and Program and Academic Development Advisor. He is also appointed as Panel of advisors for Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 by Malaysia Ministry of Education. . He verified the ASIE Model.)
“The ASIE Model is basically an overall instructional planning model using principles of lD. It is an adaptation of the various lD models particularly, Dick & Carey model (2010), Dick & Reiser Model (1998) and have its root from the generic ADDIE model except that the authors are able to integrate design and development component into strategize consisting of integrating, accommodating, applying and instilling and is integrated into MIW – a worksheet that prepares teachers in their instructional planning. Another interesting feature is that this model accommodates the 21 century learning skills. I believe this model can be used by school teachers, curriculum planners and instructional designers to create, utilize and manage information, technology and media resources to facilitate 21st century teaching and learning environment.”
— Professor Dr. Yusup Hashim
(Professor Dr. Yusup Hashim is an instructional designer. Being a retired Professor, after long years of academic experiences, he still involves as a part time Professor at Asia e University and College MCS Banting, Selangor, Malaysia. He is also a Part-time Ph.D Supervisor and Academic Facilitator. He verified the ASIE Model. )