Here is a guide to implementing Instructional Planning Activities (IPA). Please press the following buttons to download user manuals by topic. Please read the information below for general descriptions of CIDS.
The Collaborative Instructional Design System (CIDS) consists of three (3) planning programs. The major program is Instructional Planning Activities (IPA) – which refers to the lesson plan or any other terms used for teachers’ classroom preparation.
There are 12 modules listed on this page to assist users in implementing them. While the other twooptional programs – Lesson Study(sharing of lesson plan for skills & knowledge enhancement), and Learners’ Competency-Requirements Inventory (LCRI – a flexible rubric for identifying and assessing the infusion of competencies and subcompetencies required by learners in instructional planning activities and implementation) are included in CIDS separately complete with its own user manual.
Instructional Planning Activities (IPA)
Modules are based on The Integral ASIE Instructional Design Model – a framework that serves as a procedural flow of the planning process.
Modules are numbered according to the sequence from the beginning to the end of the design process.
CIDS is user-friendly.
Research has been conducted on its usability using WAMMI (Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory), which was developed by Human Factors Research Group (HFRG) in 1999.
It comprises of 4 questions for each of the 5 dimensions, namely Attractiveness, Controllability, Helpfulness, Efficiency, and Learnability.
Improvements have been made following the results of the research.
There are instructions, information buttons and short video clips on every planning page to guide users for better understanding of the planning process .
Please read them and watch the video clips.
Follow instructions carefully to avoid errors in the planning process.
Refer to FAQ to answer some of the questions raised.
There are other optional features that you may explore to enhance the instructional planning activities.
General Concept of IPA
Users may create Yearly Instructional Planning (YIP) or daily instructional Planning activities (IPA).
There are many optional features to enhance the planning activities -such as inserting all types of media, linking to various application resources, sharing IPA with others and other features.
Elements of the model are adapted from the framework of Four-Dimensional Education(Center for Curriculum Redesign, US,2015).
CIDS allows users to use it individually, in a group or all members of the institution. It also allows users to share their work with others (within the institution or institutions across the country) or get assistance/guidance/evaluation from different administrative levels.
Besides instructional planning activities, CIDS offers other optional features such as users’ statistical analysis & communication channel for visual interaction and other upcoming features.