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The 4-Dimensional Education (4DEdu) framework has been selected as the 21st Century Learning Framework in the Collaborative Instructional Design System (CIDS). The 4DEdu-CIDS guides user in the instructional planning: redesigning, reconstructing and reengineering academic directions, visualizing the current Education landscape towards preparing learners’ future career path that is relevant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Charles Fadel
Global Education Thought Leader, Author, Futurist, Inventor,
Founder & Chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign, USA
Project Director at Harvard Graduate School o Education, USA
The Collaborative Instructional Design System (CIDS)
It is an innovative 21st Century Instructional Design System based on the Four-Dimensional Education framework (Center for Curriculum Redesign, CCR). CIDS comprises of An Integral ASIE Instructional Design Model and The Professional Learning Community (PLC).
- The model has dual functions that serve as an ID Model as well as an interactive online application tool for teachers in designing their instruction as well as for students in the virtual learning environment.
- While PLC with its wider scope promotes the formations of various communities that contribute to the sharing of information in the learning environment.
- Connecting the dots…..bridging between theoretical framework to best classroom practices.
- Generates teachers’ creativity to unpack the curriculum based on the characteristics of the 21st Century Learning and global pedagogical practices into classroom best practices following the era of Education 4.0.
- Comply with The Sustainable Development Goal 4 Education 2030 Agenda (UNESCO) ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- Formulating an interactive procedural flow of instructional planning that meets the 21st-century learning environment.
- Customizable planning items that fulfilled the school’s needs.
- Designing the instruction for a class, group, or personalized learning.
- Integrating STEM, STEAM, and STREAM learning into the lesson plan.
- Implementing Modular and Project Based Learning environment.
- Facilitating, monitoring and guiding features at the various administrative levels.
- Involving various communities in the PLC program.
- Communicating, collaborating and sharing information virtually in PLC.
- Providing virtual learning platform for students.
- And many more features that lead to current 21st Century Learning.
CIDS Version 9.0 (all new features will be released in 2021)
You may read or download materials from the user manual for its application procedures or read and review the full description of CIDS through A Handbook of CIDS.
You can log in as a guest for an immediate online trial version with limited features and functions by using the following username and password.
All features (class category, class level, subject, teaching period & time table) have been preset regardless of the country origin. Please do not change the setting to avoid errors.
Username: asieguest
Password: asieguest
Press here to get your free Cidsuser ID for a complete features and functions (for international users only). It doesn’t work for a local user. Local user (Malaysian) may email to to our support team for further information: CIDS@support team